You don’t need a miracle; you don’t need the hand of an almighty God – that is unless you are in terribly straightened circumstances.  You don’t need faith to believe the impossible or cry out for His supernatural help – that is unless you have exhausted everything you have, everyone you have and you’re so worn out with dealing with it you are considering ending your life too.

Ever been dead?

Ever been repeatedly beaten and left for dead?

Ever been in an accident without insurance or money?

Ever been left with 20# of potatoes to last a month?

Ever stared a gun in the face, been poisoned or set up by friends?

Ever been lied about, accused and betrayed by people you considered closer than family?

Ever been addicted so badly you’d steal from people you love?

Ever been so bored to death you wondered why do you even exist?

Ever lost your job and been without one for over a year?

Ever encountered supernatural beings that abhor your very existence?

Ever been in a place where there was no one you could ask for help or trust?

Ever given up on hope of being married, having children or grandchildren?

I have.

That’s why I know Jesus lives.  That’s how I know Jesus saves!  That’s how I know Jesus heals.  That’s how I know Jesus provides. That’s why I live – because I have found everything I ever lacked in the presence of Jesus.  The overwhelming love that sustains me, and provides for me and comforts me – it’s all in Jesus.

I’d be a fool to trust the government to provide any of that for me.

So I can tell you honestly I have been raised from the dead, healed from physical, emotional and spiritual abuses, and I lived 26 years without any insurance whatsoever. I had my body fixed by the Lord

I can tell you honestly there are still things wrong with me – but I am full of hope because I’ve seen 40 years of faithful love and provision given to me by my supernatural amazing loving God.  I can tell you honestly I’ve been out of food and had it show up on my doorstep.

I’ve stared death in the face and been rescued in a moment by the Lord.  My testimony has been impeached by people I trusted – and then in awhile they came back and apologized for their foolishness. Imagine my joy to be able to tell them they were already forgiven.  I can tell you honestly I know forgiveness.  That’s why I cannot withhold it from others.

I can tell you honestly that every addiction has been replaced by the overwhelming love and presence of the Lord.  I have survived nearly 54 years after I was declared dead.

I am never bored for more time it takes me to look out my window and away from myself.  I always have something to do!  I love to entertain angels and to be astounded by the presence of the Lord.  I love seeing how my futile and finite words become life and bread to someone who is starving for real love and needs the Savior’s touch.

My greatest joy is my adorable, darling husband for whom I waited 24 years.  The boys he brought to our union are incredibly brilliant and amazing men with precious and inspired wives.  And our granddaughter is the most wonderful small person in the world – her inner and outer beauty makes me weep with joy.

I know the source of my blessings!

It is not the government.

It is and always has been the Lord Jesus Christ.

May I humbly suggest you get to know Him?