Why do we believe and love churches in homes?

Because the Bible decrees it.

  • It is how the church began. Acts 2:41-47
  • It is how the church survived. Acts 4:32-35
  • It was its custom. 1 Corinthians 14:23
  • It is how the church communicates with one another. Romans 16:5,10,11, Philippians4:22, 2 Timothy 4:19
  • It is where ordination took place. 1 Corinthians 1:16
  • Jesus commands it as the way to preach the Gospel. Matthew 10:7-14, Mark 6:10, Luke 9:1-5
  • It is a type of heaven. John 14:2
  • It is how the church operates. Acts 5:42, Acts 20:20, Acts 28:30
  • It is evangelism. Acts 16:31-34, Acts 18:8, Acts 20:20, Acts 28:30

ImageOur home church in Alabama on Thanksgiving.

Our human desires to have everything fit comfortably in it’s box – has led us to believe only the visible building type church. But in the Bible and in history, the church = the people, not a building. 

Meetings were held in various homes and in public places, including the Temple (Acts 2:46; 5:12, 42), or out in the open as on the Mount of Olives (Acts 1:6) or on the seashore (Acts 21:5), or in “an upper room” (Acts 1:13-14; 2:1-2; 20:1). Specific homes mentioned are Cornelius’s house (Acts 10:27), Simon’s (Acts 10:6), Mary’s (Acts 12:5, 12), Lydia’s (Acts 16:40), Jason’s (Acts 17:5), Justus’ (Acts 18:7), Philip’s (Acts 21:7), as well as the apostle Paul’s abode (Acts 28:23-30).

Also during persecution the Christian community increased in numbers more than ever before.  These persecuted believers met in their homes as well as in the catacombs of Rome. 

So how do we do simple church – believers meeting in homes?

Simple church is about a way of life. It’s not about a change of location, but about a change in the way we do church. Here are the 5 components.

FOOD – When you get together, eat! It provides a great atmosphere for people to have honest, open communication with each other. Keeping the food healthy as possible.

OPEN PARTICIPATION – “What shall we say, brothers?” When you come together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church.” 1 Corinthians 14:26. The Key is “everyone has…..” Everyone should be able to participate.

BIBLE STUDY – Keep it simple and interactive. A great technique is to look over a few verses together and then share with each other what each person has learned. You may want to follow a simple foundational study in the beginning of each time together so you are building correctly. Allow those with teaching abilities and calling to teach – but keep it short – and interesting. This is not the time for giving every thing the Bible says.  As people learn they can move from the milk of the Word to the meat of the Word.

PRAYER – “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.’ Acts 2:49. Find out what is happening in each others lives and take the time to pray for each other. Expect God to move powerfully and to speak to the group as you pray. Make sure there is plenty of time to express gratitude to the Lord for answered prayer.

SIMPLICITY – Make sure that whatever you do can be duplicated. If the church is going to multiply rapidly, it must be kept simple.

We can neither bad mouth an effective box church – nor deny the validity of the home church.  We must have intimacy, free flow of the gifts of the Spirit, worship that can go on a long, long time and a humility and freedom that makes others want to come in.  Clocks, inflexible schedules and order of “business” have no part in an organic, living demonstration of the Body of Christ.


Our home church in Alabama with guests from England and Seattle.

For more info – check out George Barna’s post on home churches


Some of this article is not by my origination (the majority of the part about simple church)
so please – if you do know who wrote it – tell them thank you, thank you, thank you for us.